Tattooed Women Reveal All The Things They’re Tired Of Hearing. Grow Up And Stop Judging Women!

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Tattooed Women Reveal All The Things They’re Tired Of Hearing. Grow Up And Stop Judging Women!

As women, we have been pinpointed on every decision we make. Be it the way we dress, the way we sit or the lifestyles we choose to have. Tattoos have been one such subject that people are highly sensitive and judgemental about, especially when it comes to women. The conversation about tattoos is totally different around men and women. As a woman with tattoos myself, I have been told multiple times how my tattoos can be a reason I get treated differently. I’ve been told that people wouldn’t take me seriously, even that I wouldn’t get the job I want because of my tattoos.

Women who have tattoos, have you ever experienced any kind of prejudice because of it?
byu/PixelFreak1908 inAskWomen

Women on Reddit had a full-fledged discussion about the prejudices and judgments they have faced due to their tattoos. Imagine walking through a busy street filled with people from all walks of life. Among them are women with tattoos, each with their own story to tell. Some of these women have faced criticism and judgment because of their tattoos. People they don’t even know might say mean things or give them weird looks. It’s like they’re being judged just because of the ink on their skin.

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

But it’s not just words that some women have to deal with. Some people think it’s okay to touch or comment on someone else’s tattoos without asking first. I have never understood the obsession of people with touching tattoos. Imagine if someone just came up to you and started touching your arm or asking personal questions out of nowhere. It’s not cool!

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

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Despite all this, many women still love their tattoos. They see them as a way to show who they really are and to feel good about themselves. It’s like wearing something that’s uniquely theirs, even if not everyone likes it. I love to see that women have stopped taking other people’s opinions seriously. Because no matter how much we try, there will always be something that’ll piss people off.

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

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And it’s not just about the tattoos themselves. These stories remind us that everyone should be free to be themselves without being judged or treated badly. Tattoos or not, we’re all unique and beautiful in our own way. It’s about accepting each other for who we are and celebrating our differences.

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

byu/PixelFreak1908 from discussion

So next time you see someone with tattoos, instead of judging or making assumptions, maybe ask them about their tattoos. You might just hear an interesting story or learn something new. After all, everyone’s story deserves to be heard, tattoos and all. Also, it’s high time we get over the idea of wanting women to live a certain way. Let them do what they want to, you ain’t paying for their tattoos.

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